Hey there, everyone. There is a lovely new item that costs about $1.99 that my wife and I are enjoying. It is excerpts from Tyndale House's new Mosaic NLT Bible and it is called
Devotions for Advent.
It has color artwork, scripture readings, meditations, writings from people throughout the history of the church, blank space to journal or respond, etc. You'd enjoy it to be sure, but
this is the week to start it.
A few of my recent posts have reminded me of yet another subject.
A classic pet peeve of mine is the enormous amount of "Bible Lore" out there. How many times have you been talking with someone and they say, "Well, the Bible says, 'God helps those who help themselves.'"? No, the Bible does not say that phrase anywhere. It actually came from Ben Franklin.
Another great one..."God won't give you more than you can handle." The Bible actually doesn't say this. (Try "quoting" such a "scripture" to a person in a serious crisis. Let me know how that one goes.) You won't find the reference because it's not there.
In general, I simply hear the words come from someone's mouth: "Doesn't it say in the Bible somewhere...." or "What's the verse in the Bible that says something about..." and I begin to brace myself for the shock. I never know what nonsense might sputter out after the first few words. :)
The Bible (and spiritual things in general) is one of those subjects that everyone has an opinion about....many people are eager to share their own. Many people think they know fairly well what the Bible says, but in reality haven't studied it for themselves a whole lot. In short, "Bible Lore" results is a lot of muddled thinking about spirituality and numerous common myths about Christianity, Christians, God, the Bible, etc.
So, here's a novel thought: how about we all make it a goal of ours to READ our Bibles and MEMORIZE scripture? That way, instead of being guilty of such embarrassing blunders of biblical illiteracy, we can know God's word, hide it deep within our hearts, and be ready to explain the scriptures the next time someone rattles off one of these statements.
I myself am by no means immune or beyond this fault. I have been praying and asking God to reveal some things to me lately and yet I know that the easiest way to hear God's voice is to open and "devour" my Bible. How about you? Are you planting scripture within you? Or is your Bible just a dusty relic? When was the last time you cracked it open?
I was a substitute teacher about a week ago. Not for a school. For an Adult Bible Fellowship (ABF) at the church in which I serve. I was assigned the topic of Christology. While I wouldn't call myself a theologian, I could manage to go over some notes from
McGrath's or
Grudem's works and some of my own systematic theology notes from back in the day. Yet, I had no idea what a joyful surprise it would be to teach this particular class.
The class was very talkative and very inquisitive. The group was made up of mostly thirty-somethings and from what I could tell on the surface, they didn't have a ton of Biblical literacy.
Perhaps the most encouraging thing about this group was their eager desire to know about the Bible. They had a thirst for knowledge, a hunger to understand, a tenacity to learn. This is perhaps the most foundational characteristic of a disciple.
I was reminded of the Bereans...The Bereans are mentioned in Acts 17:11 -- "Now these [the Bereans] were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so." (NASB)
May we all be sure to live with that same hunger to know. Search the Scriptures for yourselves and see if these things are not so.
Prayer: Father, help me to cultivate a passion for Your word. Help me to develop a hunger within me to understand the Bible and apply it to my life. Let it always be said of me as well that I was noble-minded and diligent in searching the Scriptures. Amen.
P.S. The title for this blog entry ("Search the Scriptures") also happens to be the name of a couple of ministries, a devotional book, a .com website, a couple of .org websites, etc. In no way am I claiming to own the title or have rights to it, in no way am I endorsing those sites, books, ministries, etc.