So I'm a Christian...Now What?
6/10/2008 | Author: RCW
The purpose of this blog is simple. Real, Biblical, Living, Breathing, Discipleship.

In all my years around the church, there are so very many people who fill the seats (pews depending on how old your church is!), and often may have had a conversion experience of some sort in which they chose to accept Christ as their Savior for the forgiveness of their sins unto eternal life....yada yada yada.

Yet somehow, these individuals have been the victim of the church's malpractice. They never really had a place to go, a resource to turn to that could help them know "What's Next?" So, inevitably the conversion experience becomes cloudy, the faith becomes stagnant, and the spirit dry.

This site aims to be of some help by providing answers to the "Now What?" question. So, whether you are a new believer and looking to grow, or whether you've been walking with Christ for some time now and simply cannot figure out HOW to grow, this is the place for you. It is our prayer that you will find direction, encouragement, and most importantly...the presence of Christ amidst this very site.

May God bless you on our journey together.


For further reading:
Go Here to one of Bill Hull's very brief explanations of why this site is needed
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