There are so many great resources out there to go deeper in your own Bible study (I wanted to learn so much that I pursued a Masters degree in it!).
Here are a few simple helps:
- For The Beginner:
- The NAVPRESS Life Change Series
- The InterVarsity Press Bible Study Resources
- A Walk Through the Bible by Lesslie Newbigin
- Rick Warren's Bible Study Methods
- Aside from the few statements in the discussion of evolution and Adam & Eve, I would heartily recommend John Stott's Understanding the Bible
- How to Read the Bible Book by Book by Gordon Fee
- How to Read the Bible For All its Worth by Gordon Fee
- Knowing Scripture by R.C. Sproul
- Living By the Book by Howard Hendricks (has an accompanying workbook)
- The New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable? by F.F. Bruce
- Some good Introductions to the Old Testament- R.K. Harrison, Hill & Walton, Dillard & Longman
- Some good Introductions to the New Testament- Carson Moo & Morris, Donald Guthrie, Lea
- Other helpful books include I. Howard Marshall, Black & Dockery, Stephen Neill & Tom Wright, Gordon Fee & Douglas Stuart
- The IVP Bible Background Commentaries on the OT & NT are great for backgrounds
- If it's commentaries you seek, NIVAC & Tyndale make for good starters. (The links here are to the NT sets though they have OT sets as well.)
For the intermediate:
For the advanced:
If you really want some advanced readings about the Bible, there are a ton of resources, but it can be tough to know what is what and who to trust. Here are some "simple" tougher reads.
This is by no means whatsoever a comprehensive list. Libraries could not contain the bibliography that I could compile for you. These just come to my mind first. I hope this is helpful.