RZIM Critical Questions Series (Titles Include: Can I Trust the Bible?, What is Truth?, Who Was Jesus?, Is God Real?) -

Some of the world's leading Christian intellectuals have put together a set of Bible study guides that address the deeper questions that skeptics and thinkers often have that keep them from Christianity. Honest answers to tough questions. If Ravi Zacharias has his initials on it, you know it is going to be intellectually up-to-snuff.
From Creation to the Cross -

Since this book is basically an introduction to the Old Testament with questions for personal reflection following each chapter, it may be best-suited for those who are ready to ride without the training wheels. Most Christians don't quite know what to do with the first half of the Bible. From Creation to the Cross is a guide through the Old Testament that points out along the way perspectives and insights that leave us with a new, personal understanding of these thirty-nine books that ultimately point us to Jesus.
Your Life in Christ (Book 1 in Navpress' “Design For Discipleship” Series) -

If you are looking for something basic and user-friendly, yet but Biblical, deep, and profound, this is the study to start with. This is one of the books I put in the hands of new believers who are looking to start growing in their faith. It is published by one of my favorite publishers, NAVPRESS - a large Christian publishing company that publishes
nothing but books and resources meant for Christian discipleship. (What an amazing ministry, eh?) This is the just the first book of the series.
New Life in Christ -

This is the other resource that I like to sometimes put into new believers' hands. It is again very basic and user-friendly, but in the end deeply Biblical. The back cover reads: "It starts with a tiny seed of faith that takes root in your heart. Then, like a tree, it grows into something strong, beautiful, and living whose influence dominates the landscape of your life. This is the nature of life in Christ—something so profound that the Bible says you are literally a new creation. Your new life in Christ is much more than what you experienced at conversion. God wants to open your eyes to all the marvelous things he has given you as his child. This study guide will help you grasp the hope, the riches, and the great power God has given you through his Son, Jesus."
My Utmost For His Highest -

A world of things could be boasted about this book. It is probably the best-selling devotional of all time, and probably one of the best-selling Christian books of all time (second maybe to John Bunyan's
Pilgrim's Progress). Whatever the statistics, it is a classic for a reason. With humor and humility, Chambers speaks plainly to the common man struggling with devotion to Christ in daily living. Worldly cares and self-serving desires begin to lose their appeal as Chambers aides the reader in transforming his mind by viewing life through the instruction of God's Word. Each daily reading is a short encouragement or reflection based upon a certain given text of scripture.
Yahweh: Divine Encounters in the O.T. -

This is a workbook that takes you through the Old Testament in 48 weeks. Each lesson has scripture and interactive questions that will help you apply God's word into your own life. This is a great place to start if the Old Testament intimidates you or if you really struggle with drawing out meaningful quiet time reflections from the Old Testament. (Plus, one of my supervisors Ty Gulick was the executive editor for the book). :)
How to Read the Bible Book by Book -

Have you ever been totally clueless about what the scriptures are talking about as you read in your quiet time? This is a wonderful guide that anyone might consult to help them work through any book of the Bible or the entire thing. Every book of the Bible gets about a 3 page treatment...Tips for Reading, What to Watch For, An Outline of the Book, Key Themes, etc. This is one of the best references you can use to REALLY understand what the book
meant before you begin to decide and apply what it
means for your life.
Stay tuned for the rest...And happy reading!
I might want to borrow one of your books if you have it. My Utmost for His Highest