For those of you who have been enjoying my material lately about the connection between reading and discipleship – that is, between learning and growing as a Christian—I will take the liberty of telling you about some other resources out there.
For starters, you might be interested in this very insightful blog that I have just discovered and enjoy. (You might find that the material there at Tolle Lege resonates with the material here on Faith Firmly Rooted.)
For the ambitious who might be wanting some sort of personal learning experience or perhaps desiring to get to know other Christians who highly value learning, I highly recommend the Paideia / University Honors Program Conference at Dallas Baptist University that is happening on April 1-2, 2011. The theme this year for the conference is: "Tolle, Lege, Tolle, Lege – Pick it up and read: On Books and Reading.” (Click here for details.)* The keynote speaker this year is Byron Borger, who operates Hearts and Minds Books. Who knows…the conference could open you up to a whole new world you did not know existed!
I guess I can summarize this entire blog entry really briefly…If you are digging my recent posts, you might also like:
Happy reading, learning, and growing!
* This conference is put together by a couple of my favorite former professors, who also happen to be wholehearted advocates of the benefits of reading widely and deeply both inside and outside of scripture on account of how it can spiritually shape us. As for the conference itself, if you don’t know what to expect from the conference, imagine the following: A bunch of people who take Christian faith and learning seriously coming together for a time of worship, a keynote speaker talking twice on the conference theme of “Reading Books” especially as it pertains to Christian life, then getting to attend breakout sessions where papers will be presented on a wide array of themes (including the conference theme) by the various Christian intellectuals who are in attendance. Personally, it is killing me that I can’t be at the conference this year, but I highly encourage you to go if you are interested… just maybe give Dr. Naugle a heads up that you plan to attend.